Mary & Emery's Blog

This will be the fourth consecutive summer that we have our boat, The Emerys, on Lake Michigan. Our blog contains pictures and text about the happenings that we experience on the Lake and in the numerous ports that we visit. Much of this summer will center on Sturgeon Bay, WI and Frankfort, MI. Enjoy!


Saturday, September 11, 2010

Season's End

On Thursday we started the process of closing down.  We packed up almost everything in the boat, and cleaned it for winter storage.  There were only a few other boats at Jacobson’s Marina, but the weather was nice as the wind had at last stopped howling.  We had a “clean out the refrigerator/freezer” dinner after having cocktails with John and Lori, the marina’s owners. 

On Friday we loaded up the Jeep, hooked up the jet skis, got the boat pumped out and turned it over to Brian.  Brian is a captain with Onekema Boat Storage, so we waved goodbye to him as he motored out of Betsie Lake to take The Emerys to winter storage.  What an easy process versus going across to Wisconsin with boat and car, and then back again.  Hope we like this storage barn as well as those we have used previously.

We drove the loaded Jeep, hauling the jet skis, as far as Toledo last night.  Now we are in Kentucky watching lots of college football, and tomorrow we will go to Cynthiana to visit with Emery’s sister Marie before heading to Williamsburg for a Monday arrival.

We had a great summer, and our plans for next year are up in the air for now.  Options include not boating and getting serious about selling the boat by leaving it with the broker; or heading east again by some route and coming to the St. Lawrence River and Lake Champlain.  Who knows, we have all winter to decide.  Hope you enjoyed the blog…it was a fun summer for us.  Cheers.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

The Falls and The Island

Tuesday we went to Tahquamenon Falls in the U.P.  where the roads are rural and forested without much traffic.  The falls are on the river of the same name, and the river empties into Lake Superior.  Attached are pictures of the falls and us at the falls.  They are very brown in color because of all the tannin in the river from decaying organic matter.  The falls are in a 1500 acre old-growth forest with lots of species of trees… American beech, sugar maples, eastern hemlock and yellow birch.  Very pretty place and unique in Michigan where there aren’t a lot of big falls.

Then we moved on to Mackinac Island, one of our favorite places.  We parked the car in Mackinaw City and went over on the high speed ferry.   The weather was miserable (high winds and big waves with pelting rain) so we did not enjoy this visit as much as we have in the past.  But we stayed in a nice old hotel with a great view of the harbor and had a good dinner in town, so all was not lost.  Attached is a street scene from Mackinac Island where it was far less crowded than usual because it is late in the season and the weather is nasty.

We are now back in Frankfort and getting ready to close up the boat for the season.  The beach here is quite a mess because the continued high winds from the west have moved so much sand onto the streets and walkways.  Apparently the city got their front end loaders out today to begin the process of moving the big piles back to the beach.  The gales of November have come in September this year.  We are really pleased we don’t have to drive the boat across Lake Michigan to Sturgeon Bay, WI for storage this year.  We might be forever waiting for the 8-12 seas to lay down.

All in all, our road trip was fun despite the weather.  Fall is here for sure.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Road Trip

We are on a road trip!  We left Frankfort yesterday and wandered north on Michigan 31 through Traverse City, Elk Rapids (where we got married), Charlevoix and Harbor Springs and then across the Mackinac Bridge to Sault Ste. Marie, home of the Soo Locks in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula (the U.P.).

The Soo Locks are on the St Marys River and allow ships of all sizes to traverse the 21 –foot drop in elevation between Lake Superior and Lakes Huron and Michigan.  In the late 1700’s, a Canadian company built a lock on the Canadian side of the river; it was destroyed in the war of 1812.  A private American company built locks on the American side of the river in 1853.  In 1855 the State of Michigan took over the locks; in 1881 the locks were transferred to the U.S. government, who today operates the locks toll free to all vessels through the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.

Today there are 4 locks, one not in use.  The oldest was built in 1914, the newest in 1968.  The little private boat and the Soo Locks Boat in the pictures are going through the McArthur Lock (built in 1943 and named after General Douglas McArthur) which is 800 feet long and 80 feet wide.  The big boat (Indiana Harbor) is going through the Poe Lock.  Indiana Harbor is 1000 feet long and 100 feet wide.  Poe Lock (built in 1968) is 1200 feet long and 110 feet wide.  Needless to say that big boat inched its way into the lock.  It was fun to watch the action.

We spent the night in Brimley, MI on Lake Superior shores… Bay Mills Casino and Resort.  So we ate and slept well and cheaply at this Indian Casino and didn’t lose a lot of money!!  Thanks to Roger and Jean for all the information about this destination.

Today we are on our way to Tahquamenon Falls and then Mackinac Island.  Stay tuned for more of this adventure

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Surf's Up

It’s windy and warm here today, fitting weather as we get close to Labor Day.

We had lunch with friends Lynne and Mark.  They also live in Governor’s Land and we were introduced by mutual friends this spring.  L and M have a beautiful home on the Leelanau Peninsula overlooking Lake Michigan.  The Peninsula separates Lake Michigan from Grand Traverse Bay, and is home to Sleeping Bear Dune (the awesome sand dune national park) and Leland, one of our favorite cruising ports.   We went to lunch in Sutton’s Bay and had a great visit as you can see from the attached pictures.  They will come back to Williamsburg at the end of October, so really will miss all the hot weather there.

So now on to “surf’s up!”.  We have a 25-30 mph wind from the south, and it is creating great waves and wind updrafts.  So surfers, wind surfers and kite surfers are out in droves.  What a show!  We can’t really capture it with the camera, but attached are some shots that try.  We sat at the beach for an hour watching all the fun, as did a lot of other people.  Supposed to rain tonight so we expect tomorrow to be all calm again and maybe we can get the jet skis out for another run.

Happy summer, and for you in Williamsburg, we hope the hurricane moves out to sea.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Summer Begins to Wind Down

It is summertime in wind-down here in Frankfort, which is a big multi-generation family town.  Because school is starting soon, weekends are still bustling and busy, but week days are quite a bit quieter.  Today is Sunday and warm; so our street is already parked full of beach-goers and bikers. 

This week my sister Joan and husband Bob were here with us from Wisconsin.  They came across the Lake on the Badger car ferry, leaving their car on the Wisconsin side.  Unfortunately, for one of the few times in recent memory, the Badger had mechanical problems and was five hours late crossing the Lake, so the start of the visit wasn’t particularly auspicious.  However, it was uphill from there and we had great weather which allowed us to jet ski and swim in Lake Michigan and loll around on the boat and generally have a great few days.  Attached are pictures from the visit, including Bob on the jet ski, an event the skeptics said “ain’t going to happen”.  It was a bit wavy when we had the jet skis out, so roaring around at 40-50 mph was wet and wild.   We will have stories to share for years to come.

We have the rental house until Saturday, September 4th and plan to have fun our final week before moving onto the boat for Labor Day weekend.  I expect we will play some golf and hit the beach and jet skis….the usual life style here in Frankfort.  We are pondering what to do for a few days after that before we start for home, and are having fun as summer begins to wind down.  Cheers to all.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

A Busy August Week

We have had another busy week.  No overnight company this week, but none-the-less we had lots going on.

Monday we put the house back in order after a whole week of company, including little girls who loved the playhouse.  On Tuesday we played golf at Crystal Mountain again, this time with friends Phil and Sue from Midland.  It is their family we visited in Bear Lake in early July.  Attached is a picture of the golfers.  If you look closely you can see a deer grazing in the background….got to love a mountain course.

On Wednesday Bob and Marilyn from Williamsburg came to have lunch with us.  Bob is a member of my Kiwanis Club; he and Marilyn have a summer place near Baldwin, about 40 miles east of us.  After we said goodbye to them we drove to Traverse City for dinner with Kate and her family before their departure back to Seattle.  Mark’s Mom was there also; I think 2 grandma’s and a grandpa was a bit overwhelming for Caroline. But she and Lily made friends with a couple of other little girls, leaving the adults some good conversation time and it was a fun dinner.

Thursday we hosted John and Lori, owners of Jacobson’s Marina, for dinner.  It was good to see them away from their never-ending duties at the Marina and to learn a bit more about how they came to buy it just three years ago.

Friday night we had an awesome rainstorm; Saturday, we went to the Farmer’s Market and a huge art fair here in town.  And today friends Ron and Kay from Traverse City are coming over to jet ski and have dinner……as I said, another busy week in Lake Michigan summer.

Next week my sister Joan and husband Bob are coming for a few days, so stay tuned for more fun.  Cheers.