Mary & Emery's Blog

This will be the fourth consecutive summer that we have our boat, The Emerys, on Lake Michigan. Our blog contains pictures and text about the happenings that we experience on the Lake and in the numerous ports that we visit. Much of this summer will center on Sturgeon Bay, WI and Frankfort, MI. Enjoy!

Monday, June 15, 2009

We Are In Sturgeon Bay

The Weed Whacker
Welcome Back, Boaters

Mary and the Fully Loaded Jeep

Emery's Indianapolis House

Hello From Sturgeon Bay, WI

It is a beautiful Monday afternoon, 68 degrees and sunny!!! Let me bring you up to date. NOTE: Pictures are backwards, I'll do better next time!!

We left Williamsburg late Wednesday morning and drove a few hundred miles into West Virginia where rain and fog caused us to call it a day quite early. Thursday brought us to Indianapolis where we drove past Emery’s old house (where the small trees are now huge and a picture is the first shown above); past Dow AgroSciences (where he worked and I sold off property); and to an old favorite for dinner. Then Friday we slogged around Chicago on Freeway 294 where EVERY mile of it was under construction and full of trucks!! Anyway, 1200 miles later we arrived in Sturgeon Bay on Friday evening. The boat was in the water at Quarterdeck Marina getting all its batteries charged up, so we stayed at the terrific Stone Harbor Resort for the evening.

Saturday the boat got moved to a slip on “D” dock with other big boats. We are docked next to Jerry and Christy from South Carolina who we met here last year, so we feel pretty welcome. Then we had to unload the Jeep.. a real job!! The second picture above is a view of the Jeep as we started to unload. The Quarterdeck had a “Welcome Back” barbecue for all boaters on Saturday night (see third picture above) and we dined wonderfully before tumbling dead tired into bed for our first night on the boat for the season.

Now we are cleaning, checking all systems, provisioning the boat and generally getting ready to rock and roll. Tomorrow we will go across Green Bay to Menominee, MI for lunch (about 25 miles) to make sure all systems are go. Today we installed a bigger, heavier anchor so we can safely anchor in the North Channel in August and watched the Sturgeon Bay “weed whacker” come through the marina in order to keep the seaweed under control. The last picture above is the weed whacker.

Hope all is well with everyone and you will follow our summer, 2009 adventures. Cheers.

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