Mary & Emery's Blog

This will be the fourth consecutive summer that we have our boat, The Emerys, on Lake Michigan. Our blog contains pictures and text about the happenings that we experience on the Lake and in the numerous ports that we visit. Much of this summer will center on Sturgeon Bay, WI and Frankfort, MI. Enjoy!

Friday, September 4, 2009

Labor Day in Frankfort

We left Bay Harbor and went to Charlevoix for three days. As usual, that little town was wonderful and we enjoyed the restaurants, the shopping, the library (an old middle school re-engineered into a functioning library) and the people. We had one wet, stormy, windy day, but that is such a protected port that it matters not. Attached is a picture of the Charlevoix light, as well as pictures coming down the coast (Sleeping Bear Dunes and the Betsie Bay lighthouse) to Frankfort. I have attached pictures of its entry light and the Coast Guard station that welcomes you into Frankfort, so you get a full feeling for our Monday trip from Charlevoix to Frankfort. We even stopped in Leland for lunch, the lake was flat and the moving was easy.

We have been loving Frankfort. We have the Jeep here, so lots of freedom to move around. On Wednesday we drove to Clare (90 miles) to meet with friends Roger and Jean for lunch, visiting, and great pie for dessert. Sunday we are going to Traverse City to return the North Channel charts we borrowed from Ron and Kay and celebrate the engagement of their daughter.

And every day we walk to the lake to enjoy the spectacular sunset. Beats Mallory Square in Key West for sure!! It is salmon fishing season here, and every night about 5:00 PM 100-200 small and large fishing boats go out of Betsie Bay where we are docked to find the salmon. We watch them parade out as we have cocktails and dinner; then watch them come back after sunset. We are on an outside dock with an unobstructed view of all the action, and it is fun.

This marina is full for Labor Day weekend and there is lots going on. Once that is over however, we will be one of only a few boats left on the lake. Weather is terrific (70’s during the day and 50 and clear as a bell at night), so it is a great way to end our season. Next week Jennifer is coming to visit for 5 days and help move the boat and Jeep across the lake to Sturgeon Bay and then we start coming home. Cheers, happy Labor Day weekend.

1 comment:

2becks said...

We were so happy to see you both. It was a very nice day - and the pie was very good. It looks like we have some nice weather coming your way. MSU won today - it has been a great day! Rog and Jean