Mary & Emery's Blog

This will be the fourth consecutive summer that we have our boat, The Emerys, on Lake Michigan. Our blog contains pictures and text about the happenings that we experience on the Lake and in the numerous ports that we visit. Much of this summer will center on Sturgeon Bay, WI and Frankfort, MI. Enjoy!

Saturday, July 17, 2010

More Golf, Jet Skis, & Food

We’ve had a great visit with friends Susan and Mark from Williamsburg.  They were in Michigan to celebrate the 100th birthday of Susan’s grandmother and drove over from Detroit to spend a few days with us.

Wednesday evening we strolled the town, had cocktails on the boat, dinner on the deck at Coho’s restaurant and then dodged the raindrops as we walked home.  We had a terrific soaking rain all night, something Williamsburg hasn’t had for a long time, so Susan and Mark enjoyed that.

Thursday we took the jet skis out for the afternoon and had a blast.  Attached is a picture of Emery and guests on the front porch fixing one of the jet ski covers before we took off (it had gotten torn earlier on the gate of the parking lot where we are storing them).  We had a great dinner of steak and shrimp on the back porch after coming home and before walking to the beach for a beautiful sunset…fun day.

Friday we had planned to take the boat up to Leland for the day, but big wind canceled those plans and we decided to golf instead.  We found the delightful, hilly Champions course outside of town and had a great afternoon round.  Attached are a few pictures from the afternoon.

We ended the day going to Arcadia Bluffs for dinner.  It is a fabulous golf course set high above Lake Michigan, with wonderful views and Scottish style undulations and sod-walled bunkers.  We sat outside with a view of the finishing holes and the lake with a bagpiper playing in the distance.  The bagpiper plays on Friday and Saturday standing on a cliff over the last holes just before sunset.  It is wonderful entertainment and a fine finish to Mark and Susan’s visit.  They left this morning, and Emery and I have spent the day enjoying the British Open (E) and the beach (M).  Saturday is busy in summer Frankfort, so people watching is as much fun as anything.

Happy summer to all.

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