Mary & Emery's Blog

This will be the fourth consecutive summer that we have our boat, The Emerys, on Lake Michigan. Our blog contains pictures and text about the happenings that we experience on the Lake and in the numerous ports that we visit. Much of this summer will center on Sturgeon Bay, WI and Frankfort, MI. Enjoy!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Catch Up - Part I: Fred and Inge

We have had such a busy week since we moved back into the house!!  What a great time and I will do a three part “catching” up blog in order to capture all the action.

We began the week with friends Inge and Fred from Williamsburg joining us for a few days.  We did the usual…a boat ride, a few good dinners, and a round of golf.  The “boys” wanted to play Arcadia Bluffs, the fabulous Scotland-like course bordering Lake Michigan, but there were no tee times available.  So we played the Mountain Ridge course at Crystal Mountain and it was very pretty.  Attached are pictures of our good times.

The weather was sunny and hot, so no problems getting all the activities in.  It was wonderful seeing friends from home.  They left on Wednesday morning, and on Wednesday afternoon Kate and her family came to spend a few days.  See the next blog for all that fun.  Cheers.

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