Mary & Emery's Blog

This will be the fourth consecutive summer that we have our boat, The Emerys, on Lake Michigan. Our blog contains pictures and text about the happenings that we experience on the Lake and in the numerous ports that we visit. Much of this summer will center on Sturgeon Bay, WI and Frankfort, MI. Enjoy!

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Elk Rapids and Friends

During our busy week in Traverse City, we re-vistited Elk Rapids. That is a small town at the south end of the east bay of Grand Traverse Bay. It is a long way by boat from Traverse City because you have to first go north along Old Mission Point, then south down the other side. By car it’s a straight shot, so we made the quick car trip.

Why should you care about Elk Rapids? ….because that’s where we got married in 1996. We got married in the Presbyterian church there, and the first picture is that church. Stepping over the fact that the lovely Emery cried throughout the entire ceremony, our visit brought back great memories.

And we met up with our Dow friends Ron and Kay. Ron and I jointly ran Dow’s calcium chloride business for a few years, and we have been friends ever since. Ron and Kay recently bought a 1960’s house that is right on Old Mission Point on Grand Traverse Bay. The property is spectacular with a view all the way up the Bay. Kay is managing the renovations as Ron keeps working for a market research firm to pay the bills (so he says, but he does like the work). We had dinner at the terrific Bowers Harbor Inn with them and their daughter Allison on Friday evening.

The fun continues. Next post I will talk about the visit with Kate and her family. Cheers to all.

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