Mary & Emery's Blog

This will be the fourth consecutive summer that we have our boat, The Emerys, on Lake Michigan. Our blog contains pictures and text about the happenings that we experience on the Lake and in the numerous ports that we visit. Much of this summer will center on Sturgeon Bay, WI and Frankfort, MI. Enjoy!

Saturday, July 4, 2009

The Gill Family Reunion

We have been to the Gill reunion, and it was fun. It never stopped raining for the event, but we had a huge tent that held all 96 attendees, so it was fun anyway. It was a potluck event with ham and fried chicken; many salads and deviled eggs; plus enough wonderful desserts to serve an army.

Gill is Mrs. Conyers maiden name. She and her two brothers had 22 Gill first cousins. This reunion was organized by two of those cousins, one of whom is 90 years old. The attendees included 10 of the cousins, and descendants of many of the original 25 Gill cousins.

The first picture is of Emery and the 10 first cousins that were in attendance. The second picture is of Emery’s generation, i.e. children of the cousins. There was a lot of conversation about whether the members of this generation are “second cousins” or “first cousins, once removed”. No consensus was reached on the burning question but all agreed they are related. The final picture is of Emery and me, the sole representatives of Roberta Gill’s “line”.

This event was a great way to spend the 4th of July. Late afternoon we drove to Kentucky and visited with Emery’s sister Marie in Cynthiana. Tomorrow we head back to Michigan and the boat to take up the water adventure again. Stay tuned.

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