Mary & Emery's Blog

This will be the fourth consecutive summer that we have our boat, The Emerys, on Lake Michigan. Our blog contains pictures and text about the happenings that we experience on the Lake and in the numerous ports that we visit. Much of this summer will center on Sturgeon Bay, WI and Frankfort, MI. Enjoy!

Monday, August 3, 2009

The Benjamins, Part 1

We ran to South Benjamin Island and met up with John and Jean Conyers. It is about an 80 mile distance from DeTour Village and the scenery is excellent here in the North Channel. Lots of islands large and small, big sky, puffy clouds and quite a few boats. All in all very different from the experience of running across, and north and south on Lake Michigan where there is only open water and almost no boat traffic.

Well, we found Jean and John in a small cove on the south side of the island and got anchored. The process of anchoring was quite exciting. Ideally, one drops an anchor off the bow and then you get in the dinghy and run a line off the stern to shore where you tie off to a tree or a piton someone has driven into the granite wall. I have attached a picture of the topography of the cove to give you an idea of what the cove looks like.

Anchoring was tough because early in the process the line got tangled in the winch as the anchor was lowering. Emery finally ended up cutting the line and lowering the anchor by hand. Attached is a picture of Emery and John working on the anchor. Then Jean, a fabulous knot expert, tied us to a tree, and we were in!!!!

We got together for dinner on our boat (mussels, shrimp, a little pasta, salad, cherries) and wine and fun was had by all. Attached is a picture of the group.

This ends Part 1of the South Benjamin adventure. An important fact to know for the next episode is that our anchorage spot was protected from all except winds from the south. So stay tuned.

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