Mary & Emery's Blog

This will be the fourth consecutive summer that we have our boat, The Emerys, on Lake Michigan. Our blog contains pictures and text about the happenings that we experience on the Lake and in the numerous ports that we visit. Much of this summer will center on Sturgeon Bay, WI and Frankfort, MI. Enjoy!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Little Current Festivities

The wind is still howling here in Little Current, but it is a” happenin’” place to be. We arrived on Sunday in the midst of Haweaters Homecoming Weekend. Little Current is the biggest town on Manitoulin Island, which is the biggest island in the North Channel. Folks born on the island are called haweaters. Hawberries grow in profusion here, are bitter to eat, but make great jam. Anyway…..

There was a big parade on Sunday right after we arrived. Attached are a few pictures from that funky event. A street fair was in full swing, and the evening ended with a lighted boat parade and terrific fireworks. The fireworks are underwritten by the Evinrude family (the guy married a Canadian woman) and they were terrific. We had a front row seat from the boat.

Monday was a civic holiday (no reason, just the first Monday in August), so we made no progress on fixing the anchor. But bright and early this morning Emery brought the boat mechanic on board and parts and chain are ordered for delivery tomorrow. So we should be fixed soon.

Little Current is a fun place. The only “hot spot” for the phone is under the “Turner” sign in the notions area of the local department store; and internet is available only at either the bar or the tea room. All the boaters gather in those locations and it is a continuous party environment.

This is a hugely busy port with boats coming and going all day long. The current runs very fast and changes direction several times per day. Combined with the winds (30 mph today) it is high drama to watch boats try to dock. So we will leave in a day or two I guess. Stay tuned.

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