Mary & Emery's Blog

This will be the fourth consecutive summer that we have our boat, The Emerys, on Lake Michigan. Our blog contains pictures and text about the happenings that we experience on the Lake and in the numerous ports that we visit. Much of this summer will center on Sturgeon Bay, WI and Frankfort, MI. Enjoy!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

The First Boat Trip of 2010

We took the boat out today for the first time this year. It was a glorious day, 72 degrees and sunny, and all work is done on the boat, so we went to Menominee, MI for lunch.

Menominee is on a river that forms the border between Michigan’s Upper Peninsula and Wisconsin. It is about 25 miles from Sturgeon Bay (the city) across Green Bay (the body of water). So it’s a nice easy run. Attached are a few pictures from our trip, including the port of Sturgeon Bay, and the band shell in city center park in Menominee.

When we came home we filled up with diesel (at $3.23 per gallon). The first tank of the year always causes sticker SHOCK. Then off to the West Marine to buy toilet paper and other boat necessities. Finally time for cocktails on the rear deck of the boat; and there was a sailboat regatta going on right in front of us. Lots of fun to watch and attached is a picture of that also. One or two mishaps as the boats ran the course, but all ended well.

So it’s been a fun day. Tomorrow starts many days of Wynhoff family reunion adventures, both here and in Wausau. Everybody will be there…Julie the bride from Colorado and her husband Daryl; Bill and Leslie from Hawaii; Joan and Bob from Minneapolis; and Pete and Sue from Wausau. Emery can hardly wait!!! Stay tuned.

1 comment:

Roger and Jean said...


Glad you are having a good time. Sounds really nice - especially since the hole is fixed. Just wanted to tell you the painting is done - thank goodness. It looks very nice, but it was a lot of work.