Mary & Emery's Blog

This will be the fourth consecutive summer that we have our boat, The Emerys, on Lake Michigan. Our blog contains pictures and text about the happenings that we experience on the Lake and in the numerous ports that we visit. Much of this summer will center on Sturgeon Bay, WI and Frankfort, MI. Enjoy!

Thursday, June 10, 2010


We have made it to Frankfort!!

We left Williamsburg on time on Tuesday and drove 440 miles. Pulling the jet skis turned out to be much easier than we anticipated, and even in the mountains of West Virginia the Jeep had no problems whizzing along. A bit of a challenge pulling in and out of parking lots, but other than that, hauling the trailer was no problem.

Wednesday we drove 400 miles, mostly in the rain, and arrived at Roger and Jean’s house in East Lansing in time to go to dinner at The Hall of Fame CafĂ©. Whose Hall of Fame? The Michigan State University’s Spartans, of course. MSU is the alma mater of Roger, and three of four Lehman/Conyers offspring (not Kate), as well as favorite son-in-law Mark. Roger and Jean are pictured with Mary in front of their home in East Lansing.

After a great breakfast we drove another185 miles to Jacobson’s Marina Resort in Frankfort where we left the jet skis with Harbormaster John. Then we moved over several blocks to check out 202 Forest Avenue, our rental house for July and August. It is beautiful and I know we will enjoy our time there. At the far end of this block is the gorgeous Lake Michigan beach….so the location is perfect.

Now we are in Ludington for the night. Tomorrow we will take the huge Badger car ferry across Lake Michigan to Wisconsin and Sturgeon Bay where The Emerys awaits us. So Friday evening we will sleep on the boat!!

All in all it has been a great trip to here. Bodes well for Summer, 2010.

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