Mary & Emery's Blog

This will be the fourth consecutive summer that we have our boat, The Emerys, on Lake Michigan. Our blog contains pictures and text about the happenings that we experience on the Lake and in the numerous ports that we visit. Much of this summer will center on Sturgeon Bay, WI and Frankfort, MI. Enjoy!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

The Benjamins, Part 3

Well, just as we got settled in for the night, John called from the sailboat. Jean had taken Dante to shore in their dinghy for his last walk of the night, and the dinghy motor quit. So Jean and Dante had blown all the way into the end of the cove and were stranded there.

We re-launched our dinghy and went to the rescue. However, our dinghy isn’t very powerful, so there was little chance we could haul Jean’s dinghy back in the dark (with wind and waves still enough to get your attention). So we ran over to the other sailboat anchored in the cove to get their help. That boat had a big powerful dinghy and two young guys on it; we had spoken to them earlier in the day. The guys said they’d launch right away.

John had by now found Jean with his powerful searchlight and she was walking along shore in thigh high water pulling the dinghy out of the weeds. We motored over with our searchlight and held her dinghy off the rocks and weeds while she climbed back aboard and the guys got their big dinghy launched and came to get Jean. They easily towed Jean and Dante to the sailboat and we motored home to our boat and everyone settled in for a relatively peaceful night.

Next morning we decided it was time to leave and come to Little Current, about 18 miles farther east in the North Channel. Jean and John were headed west to Gore Bay. Wind was now directly from the west, so the cove we were in was pretty calm. We all got ready to go, then began the process of getting The Emerys un-anchored. Everything is by dinghy of course. So we dinghied to shore to untie from the tree. Then Emery started our boat while I went to get John so he could help haul up our anchor. I kept the boat off the rocks while Emery and John got the anchor up and stowed, then delivered John back to his boat. Then came the task of getting our dinghy landed on our boat while it is moving around; easier than I expected and we got out of there and came to Little Current.

All in all, South Benjamin was a great adventure. I loved it, Emery liked parts of it, when we get the anchor fixed in Little Current we will try another anchorage. Stay tuned!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jeepers, just read the July adventures, you guys are having too much fun. I will read your accounts before I call next time so you don't have to repeat it. That's a lot of writing, but really nice documentation. And, of course your family members can easily be kept up to date.

We are booking/making/having a website for the wedding, I think, with links etc. for hotel rooms, airport shuttles, limos, services, times, agendas, dates, etc.

I'm in the groove now! Really liked the climbing pictures, wow!! Love, Julie